Adoption Application In order to be considered as a foster/guardian you must first be at least 21 years of age, If renting, you must have verifiable consent from your landlord. In an effort to assure more satisfactory temporary guardianship, we ask your cooperation in the completion of this application. Although, Hair of the Dog Rescue Inc. is eagerly seeking urgent foster/forever homes for abandoned pets, experience has shown that some situations are not consistent with the welfare of the animal. Unsatisfactory placements can result in an unpleasant experience for your family and many times can traumatize the pet. We reserve the right to refuse any placement we consider unsatisfactory. This is not a reflection on you personally, but simply that a particular pet may not do well in your situation. We feel our knowledge in this area must be our guide to a successful rescue experience. Before applying to be a forever home or foster home, please be certain that you are committed to this and that your lifestyle allows enough time for the animal to receive the care and attention they deserve and need. Patience and compassion is a MUST. CANINE ADOPTION/FOSTER APPLICATIONName of Adoptable Pet or “Foster”* Applicant Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zip Code Primary PhoneEmail Date of Birth* Month Day Year Occupation/Employer* How many hours per day will the dog be unattended?*Please enter a number from 0 to 24.Where will the dog be when no one is home?* What is your current living situation?* Single home Town home/Condo Apartment Do you Own or Rent your home?* Own Rent Landlord’s name/contact number* Are you the owner?* Yes No Is your yard fenced?* Yes No Type & Height* how do you plan to exercise and relieve the dog for bathroom breaks?*How many adults live in your home (including yourself)?*How many children live in your home?*Ages of children* Names of other adults in household and relationship to applicant*Is anyone in the home allergic/asthmatic around pets?* Yes No Do you currently own pets?* Cat(s) Dog(s) None Other Number of Cats*Number of Dogs*Ages and breeds of other dogs*List Other Pets* List Previous Pets*Have you ever lost, given up or given away any pets, ever?* Yes No Please explain circumstances*What circumstances do you believe justify giving away a pet?*Are your pets spayed/neutered?* Yes No Are your pets up to date on their vaccines?* Yes No Name of your Veterinarian* Veterinarian’s phone number*You must notify your vet that a HOTD rep will be calling and authorize them to release your pet’s information to us. How will you train your new pet?*What medical care are you willing to provide your new pet?*Are you aware and do you understand that your newly adopted pet may chew or have potty training accidents in your home due to a medical condition or lack of knowledge or nervousness? How will you handle this?Are you willing to give the dog time to adjust to its life change? This may take a few weeks to a few months.* Personal ReferencesPersonal references must be someone not related to you, who has known you for at least one year, and has been to your home and met your pets, if you have pets. Reference #1 Name* Reference #1 Phone*Reference #1 Relationship to Applicant* Reference #2 Name* Reference #2 Phone*Reference #2 Relationship to Applicant* The adoption process may take as little as a few days to one week. You must be fully prepared to take possession of your newly adopted pet upon conclusion of this process. Please do not submit an application for a pet unless you are ready for the adoption. We can not hold pets for longer than necessary. Will you be ready to welcome your new pet into your home upon conclusion of this process?* By signing below, I agree that the above information is true and accurate. I understand that if the reference checks do not correspond with the information I’ve provided, my application will be denied.SignatureDate of Application*